
Thanksgiving Hangover?…Great!…Please read on…

image via seriouseats.com

Turkey leftovers stored in fridge for turkey sandwiches later…

The “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing” sighs after the last bite of pecan pie have ushered us into the official hustle and bustle of the holiday race.

image via divavillage.com

Quick thank you’s have sped us into frenzied gift buying.

Is this really what it is all about?

Was our giving thanks only as deep as the ladle in the turkey gravy?

In 1621 an incredible first chapter for our country was written…

image via wikipedia

The truth that all good things come from above and the recognition of this erupted into the first Thanksgiving.

Abraham Lincoln many years later in 1863 grounded us in the soil of this gratitude by declaring Thanksgiving a national holiday.

Where are we now?

Let us live a Hangover of Thanksgiving and Praise.

One heart at a time living a hangover of thanksgiving and praise can cause many to look upwards and beyond.

Want to transform the world?

Slow down and walk in thanksgiving and praise.

Paul knew the secret (Acts 16:23-34)…

image via opacity.us

It was praise and thanksgiving that broke open the prison bars.

Please join me in living the Thanksgiving hangover.

“Enter the temple gates with praise, its courts with thanksgiving.  Give thanks to God, bless his name; good indeed is the Lord, whose love endures forever, whose faithfulness lasts through every age. ” Ps 100: 4-5

5 thoughts on “Hangover?…

  1. This is so good. I try to be thankful for all things in my heart to God daily. Even the ups and downs. Somehow by the end of the day they all work out. Is that not the God we love? God Bless, SR

  2. I think when we thank God for the downs of our day that’s when we are really offering a “sacrifice of praise” and yes it seems by covering them with thanksgiving they do work out…maybe because we have invited God into them. God Bless you SR!

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