The Canvas of the Kingdom…

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Henry Moore was and English sculptor and artist.  He is best known for his abstractions of the human figure, particularly the mother and child, and reclining figures.  It has been said that many of Moore’s sculptures, that include hollow spaces and rolling curves, were inspired by the landscape hills of his birthplace of Yorkshire.  He created many public works of art around the world. Although he became quite wealthy from the sales of his work, he lived very frugally and before he died he created the Henry Moore Foundation (still in existence today) to support the education and promotion of the arts.

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 “The secret of life is to have a task, something that you devote your entire life to, something to bring everything to, every minute of the day, for the rest of your life.  And the important thing is, it must be something you can’t possibly do.”

Henry Moore (1898-1986)

What is your life task? What is that which you devote your entire life to? What is your passion? What is that which your heart cannot ignore?

What is that which you can’t possibly do?

Could it be,” You shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all  your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment.  The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt 22:37-39) ?

For surely this radical love is impossible without the love of God infused through grace within us.

And it is in that flow of God’s grace we discover that life task, that life devotion, that passion, that mission of the heart.

By surrendering our total selves heart, soul, and mind, to Him who is love…

We become His artists of all kinds, in all walks of life, splashing forth up on the canvas of the Kingdom our own unique color and brush work.

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 Blessings on your weekend!

12 thoughts on “The Canvas of the Kingdom…

  1. You have won the heart of this artist/poet forever and ever with this post. I have always believed God’s brushwork with all the wondrous colors was a great testimony to his Saving Grace. I have loved Henry Moore’s sculpture since in college when someone gifted me with a small book picturing his most famous (and his own favorite) sculptures. Thanks be that God has sculpted my soul in such a way that I continully write, write write to create the ultimate allegorcal series that will pull people of all faiths together at last in peace and goodwill, along with the pictures He sends me as dream images.

  2. It’s always Amazing when I visit here–every post speaks something to me, and I come away enriched. Thank you, thank you so much! God bless you Big and Abundantly–have a great weekend!

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