The Child Within…

“Experience has shown me too late

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that we cannot judge people by their vices,

but on the contrary by what they hold intact and pure,

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by the childlike qualities that remain in them, however deeply one must search for them.”

(George Bernanos, +1948, a prolific French author and soldier in world War I)

“Not by appearance shall he judge, nor by hearsay shall he decide.” Is 11:3b

10 thoughts on “The Child Within…

  1. “Not by appearance shall he judge, nor by hearsay shall he decide.” Is 11:3b This is what I lobby for all the time in this very conservative, very WHITE, very senior citizen small town in which I now live. I feel as if I am on the mission field here!

  2. Beautiful sentiment. Oh lordie … when i was a child i thought like a child, and now that i’m old, i’m back at it! Don’t know whether to say oh CRAP or oh goodie! xo m

  3. I am learning more and more to pray for Wisdom, when I don’t know what else to pray–when I don’t understand what I am seeing/hearing. Thanks, and God bless you abundantly.

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